Miklavž na Dravskem polju

»Be enchanted by the rich history and architecture.«

Municipality of

Miklavž na
Dravskem polju

Municipality of Miklavž na Dravskem polju www.miklavz.si The municipality of Miklavž na Dravskem polju lies entirely on Dravsko polje, which is a transitional area between sub-Pannonian and subalpine northeastern Slovenia. Dravsko polje borders to Pohorje in the west, to Drava valley in the northwest, to Slovenske gorice in the north and east, and gradually passes into Ptujska polje in the south.

A special attention deserves the building history with its architectural peculiarities, as well as cultural monuments, especially the notable churches in Miklavž and Dobrovce. The coat of arms of the municipality of Miklavž na Dravskem polju has the shape of a shield. The diagonal divides the coat of arms into two parts, two elements - water and earth - representing the river Drava and the field. It contains three symbolic signs of the patron Saint Nicholas: the bishop's staff as a symbol of leadership, a book as a symbol of wisdom and three golden spheres as a symbol of prosperity and generosity. The left part of the coat of arms is divided by waves into four fields, symbolizing four local communities united into one municipality. The connection of all the artistic elements gives us the name of the municipality - Miklavž na Dravskem polju (in direct translation meaning Nicholas on the Drava field).