Gril’s ethnological collection

The largest private ethnological collection in the northeastern part of Slovenia.


Gril’s ethnological collection

Working hours

Every first Sunday of the month.
June, July, August every first and third Sunday of the month.

Gril’s ethnological collection

Gril’s ethnological collection in located in Castle Rače. According to the ethnologist Dr. Janez Bogataj, this is the largest private ethnological collection in the northeastern part of Slovenia. Its founder, the late Zvonko Gril, collected around 4500 exhibits trough four decades. These come from all corners of Slovenia, numerous European countries, and even different continents. The collection features many old Slovenian crafts, including pottery, shoemaking, coopering, carpentry, and blacksmithing. It also contains a large amount of agricultural and farming tools and machinery, folk musical instruments, religious objects and books, as well as technical items from the distant and recent past. Positive reviews from visitors near and far, along with the diversity of the collection’s exhibits, prove that the ethnological collection is worth a visit.

Tourist offer

During these times, there will be 2 guided tours of Rače Castle and Grilov’s ethnological collection at 10:00 a.m. and at 4:00 p.m.
The tour lasts 1.5 – 2 hours.

Outside working hours, viewing is also possible by appointment.