Mushroom park Snežka

“Get to know the mysterious world of mushrooms and the magic of mushrooming”


Mushroom park Snežka

Working hours

upon prior appointment.

Mushroom park Snežka

The Mushroom Learning Park ‘Snežka’ is unique in Slovenia, as it extends over 2000 m2, with the trails carefully marked with information boards. On the way, you will learn about 200 different types of mushrooms and the most attentive, will also spot them in nature.

Our mushroom expert will be happy to take you through the forest (upon prior appointment) and share stories about mushrooms, indigenous birds, herbs and healing plants, and teach about a respectful attitude towards nature. In the woods you will be amazed by a very special hotel for insects, learn about bird hatcheries, different herbs and their usability.

For our youngest visitors, there will be a playground waiting for them at the end of the journey. In the Snežka mushroom association, we can prepare an excellent mushroom soup from at least 15 different types of mushrooms, or mushroom steak (upon prior order). We are happy to serve you all together.

Tourist offer

  • guided tour of the mushroom learning park,
  • excellent mushroom soup made from at least 15 types of mushrooms upon prior order,
  • tasting of mushroom pate,
  • children’s playground.