Rače Castle

“One of the most beautifully preserved lowland castles in Slovenia.”


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Rače Castle

The history of what was once a lowland water island, dates back to the first half of the 16th century, when a four-story mansion with Gothic Renaissance portals was built. The younger part of the castle has two round corner towers and an interesting chapel with a beautiful stucco altarpiece. The castle has preserved arcade corridors. The castle chapel is dedicated to St. Janez Nepomuk, who is also considered as the patron saint of Rače. Today, the castle enjoys the reputation of the cultural and social center of the municipality. The first owner of the castle was Count Gregor Regal, who called the place Kranichfeld, which translates as »crane field«. One of the most important owners is Count Ivan Erazem Tattenbach, who lived in the second half of the 17th century and was involved in the Zrinsko-Frankopan conspiracy against the Austrian emperor Leopold I.

We invite you to look behind the scenes of the conspiracy. Perhaps you will find the conspiracy letter?

Tourist offer

  • castle tour,
  • view of the ethnological collection Gril.